Critical Illness

When a critical illness such as cancer, heart attack or stroke occurs, it places a tremendous emotional strain on the family, sometimes accompanied by an overwhelming financial burden. Critical Illness policies can provide a lump sum payment in the event that the insured incurs a covered critical illness while the policy is in force. The payment can then be used to help cover costs associated with a critical illness diagnosis, such as:

• Choosing the best hospitals and physicians
• Treatments or specialist services not covered by traditional health insurance plans
• Paying mortgages, debts or outstanding bills
• Replaces some of the patient’s or spouse’s income
• Modifying a home or auto for special needs
• Experimental drugs or therapies

Request a quote online. You will receive a response from our critical illness team in 48 hours or less.

Critical Illness Team

Tom Nicols, CLU, FLMI, ACS
Disability Income Sales and Marketing Manager
Matt Anderson, CLTC
LTC & DI Sales & Marketing Manager

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